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Work Comp Insights: Benefits of Return-to-Work Programs for Employers and Employees

Benefits of Return-to-Work Programs for Employers and Employees

According to the National Safety Council, a worker gets hurt on the job every seven seconds. And when an employee experiences an occupational illness or injury, their eventual return to the workplace can create numerous challenges, putting significant stress on both the individual and their employer.

Fortunately, 重返工作岗位(RTW)计划可以通过支持员工重新融入劳动力市场来帮助缓解这些担忧. These programs may entail having employees return to work with shortened hours, lighter workloads or modified tasks as they recover from their occupational ailments. For example, 以前在工作中搬运重箱子的仓库工人可能会被临时分配行政任务.g., taking inventory) while they heal from an occupational back injury.

RTW programs offer several benefits, 允许雇主控制员工的补偿成本,让员工有机会恢复工作,即使他们还没有准备好承担原来的工作职责. 这篇文章为雇主和雇员提供了更多美高美集团4688RTW项目的主要优势的信息. 

Benefits for Employers

RTW programs can provide the following benefits for employers:

  • Increased retention-这些项目可以帮助雇主留住有价值的员工,并通过使员工尽快重返工作岗位来降低人员流失的风险. This is particularly important, 美国职业与环境医学学院证实,当受伤的员工因病休假超过12周时,恢复原来工作的可能性降至50%,而在休假一整年以恢复工作后,恢复工作的可能性仅为5%.
  • Lower costs这类项目可以通过让受伤的员工逐渐重新开始工作,减少领取伤残津贴,从而减少雇主对员工的赔偿成本. Since large or lengthy workers’ compensation claims can affect future premium expenses, RTW计划也可以在解决索赔方面发挥重要作用,以一种具有成本效益和及时的方式, therefore limiting the risk of potential rate increases going forward.
  • Higher productivity—Having experienced staff return to work, even with reduced hours or workloads, can boost productivity more than hiring new employees. In fact, studies have shown that RTW programs can minimize lost work days stemming from occupational illnesses and injuries by as much as 55%; this delivers a return on investment of $9 for every dollar spent implementing such programs. Further, 行业数据显示,招聘和培训新员工可能需要花费大量时间, costing between nine and 24 months’ worth of an open position’s salary.
  • Improved morale-建立一个RTW项目,向受伤的员工表明,他们的雇主不仅重视他们的工作技能和工作贡献,而且重视他们的整体健康和福祉, ultimately fostering a positive company culture and improving staff morale. Doing so can also help injured employees feel adequately supported in their time of need, thus reducing their stress levels during recovery and motivating them to do their best work, whether it’s in their modified position or original role.
  • Reduced litigation—Without an effective RTW program in place, 受伤的员工在恢复过程中更有可能感到不被重视和忽视, 这可能会使他们进一步倾向于寻求法律顾问,并考虑对雇主提起大规模诉讼. As such, 采用这些程序可以帮助雇主减少昂贵诉讼的可能性,避免相关的处罚和声誉损害. 

Benefits for Employees

RTW programs can offer the following advantages for employees:

  • Boosted skills这些项目可以帮助受伤的员工保持和提高有价值的工作技能,让他们尽早重返工作岗位. Otherwise, 在恢复过程中长时间休假的员工可能会失去技能,并在返回时需要额外的培训, 哪些因素会对他们的工作信心产生负面影响,并使过渡时期变得越来越具有挑战性. Altogether, RTW项目可以最大限度地降低阻碍员工职业发展的职业伤害和疾病的风险.
  • Greater social connections这类项目可以让受伤的员工与工作场所保持更紧密的联系,让他们与同事一起继续康复过程,而不是在家里. 这种社会化可以让员工在从职业疾病中康复的每一天都有所期待, 在困难的日子里提供急需的安慰,激励他们尽快恢复原来的工作职责.
  • Healthier mindsetrtw项目通过让员工在日常工作中有一种目标感,帮助他们培养健康的心态. This can, in turn, 减少受伤员工因职业疾病而遭受精神痛苦的风险. Additionally, going back to work, even in a limited capacity, 能否帮助受伤员工保持身体活动,让他们在恢复过程中保持健康.
  • Reduced financial challenges—In many cases, 雇员通过逐渐重返工作岗位赚取更多的钱,而不是在职业伤害和疾病后领取残疾救济金. RTW programs may also allow injured employees to maintain other work-related benefits, such as paid vacation days, company-sponsored health coverage, pension plans and life insurance. With this in mind, 这样的项目可以在帮助受伤的员工促进财务稳定和避免在他们恢复的道路上可能出现的经济压力方面发挥重要作用.


Overall, RTW programs are an essential component of any workplace, providing various benefits for both employers and employees. By implementing such programs, 雇主可以尽量减少职业伤害和疾病的影响,培养健康的员工, supportive work environment for their staff.  

本报告并非详尽无遗,任何讨论或意见也不应被视为法律建议. Readers should contact legal counsel or an insurance professional for appropriate advice. © 2024 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.


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