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网络风险 & 责任:云安全管理解释


云计算指的是一种按使用付费的服务,它为用户提供按需访问一系列IT资源的能力.g., 数据库, 软件, 服务器, 网络和分析工具, 和人工智能应用)通过互联网. 通过利用基于云的平台, organizations can minimize the need to purchase and maintain physical data centers and 服务器, ultimately streamlining their digital infrastructures and allowing for greater IT flexibility.

Although cloud computing can provide a number of benefits, it also carries unique cyber exposures. 具体地说, 没有适当的保护措施, organizations could be susceptible to cloud-based cyberattacks and associated losses. To limit the potential risks stemming from cloud computing, it’s imperative for organizations to adopt effective security management measures. This article provides more information on cloud security management, explains why it’s necessary and offers related best practices.


云安全管理由各种技术组成, 组织可以实施的工具和策略,以确保他们可以充分利用云服务的潜力, all while defending their data and operations against possible cyberthreats. 通过采取足够的云安全管理措施, 组织可以在基于云的平台上托管重要的工作负载和信息,而不会损害其数字资产和IT基础设施. Cloud security management differs from traditional IT security management in several ways. 因为云服务是在线访问的, 与物理IT环境相比,它们通常为网络犯罪分子提供了更广泛的攻击面. Cloud-based platforms are also constantly evolving, with new risks following suit. 考虑到这些复杂性, 与传统的IT安全管理相比,云安全管理通常需要不同的方法和更专业的策略. 然而,, 由于组织通常在其操作中同时使用物理计算资源和基于云的服务, it can be beneficial for them to incorporate a mix of traditional and cloud-specific security solutions.


当组织决定投资云服务时, 他们不能忽视云安全管理. These specialized risk mitigation strategies are necessary for the following key reasons:

  • 基于云的网络威胁正在上升. 随着云服务变得越来越普遍和先进, cybercriminals have started targeting these services through a variety of sophisticated attack methods (e.g., 数据泄露, 恶意软件感染, 网络钓鱼诈骗, ransomware incidents and distributed denial-of-service attacks). Because such services often store organizations’ most valuable digital assets, cloud-based cyberattacks can result in considerable damage. 有充足的云安全管理, organizations can better navigate these rising cyberthreats and avoid devastating losses.
  •   组织有一定的云安全义务. Many organizations falsely assume that their cloud service providers are solely responsible for ensuring proper cloud security management; however, organizations must share these security obligations with their service providers. 这个概念, 被称为共享责任模型, 要求组织与其服务提供商公开沟通,以确定和描述各方的具体云安全角色. 在大多数情况下, service providers are responsible for securing their overall cloud infrastructures, whereas organizations are in charge of safeguarding the digital assets stored within these environments. 
  • 云安全性差的后果可能很严重. Organizations with inadequate cloud security management are more likely to experience costly cyberattacks. In addition to the serious financial ramifications of these incidents, cloud-based cyberattacks can lead to significant operational disruptions and major reputational damage. If these attacks result in compromised files or leaked stakeholder information, organizations may also be subject to compliance violations under applicable data privacy legislation and, 随后, 面临严厉的监管处罚


Here are some cloud security management practices for organizations to consider:

  • 理解共同责任模型. 首先也是最重要的, 组织应该充分意识到共同责任模型,并了解如何将其应用于其云安全义务. 特别是, 值得注意的是,虽然云服务提供商负责确保云本身的安全性(例如.g., 建立适当的网络和服务器配置), organizations should take steps to maintain the security of cloud-based workloads, 数据和端点.
  • 执行例行安全审计. 组织应定期进行云安全审计,以评估其独特的网络暴露并识别可能的漏洞. 这可能需要记录存储在基于云的平台中的数字资产类型,并审查哪些方可以访问这些资产. 通过进行这些审核, 组织将更好地满足其特定的云安全需求,并遵守相关的数据隐私法.
  • 确保适当的访问控制. To limit the risk of cybercriminals compromising digital assets stored within the cloud, organizations should implement effective access control policies and procedures. 这些策略和过程旨在仅允许经批准的用户使用他们执行基本任务所需的云资源(也称为最小特权原则),并防止对敏感工作负载和数据的未经授权访问. 例如, 组织可以利用多因素身份验证策略,要求用户在访问基于云的平台之前输入两个或更多凭据来验证其身份.  

Additionally, organizations may also utilize identity and access management (IAM) systems. 这些系统记录了哪些用户被授予访问云的权限,以及这些用户被允许处理的数字资产类型, updating such information as users’ roles and projects change. IAM系统然后使用这些信息来监控云访问尝试,并只允许批准的用户通过, 从而防止网络罪犯.

  • 加密敏感数据. 对存储在云平台内并通过云平台传输的机密文件和信息进行加密可以帮助组织保持这些数据的隐蔽性和安全性, 即使它最终落入网络罪犯之手. 组织可以利用其云服务提供商或通过其他第三方供应商提供的数据加密产品. 不管, 组织应确保其数据加密过程包括在静态和传输过程中保护私人文件和信息, as well as maintaining proper management of encryption keys.
  • 安全的云架构. Since cloud services include access to containers—which refer to 软件 packages and related codes, 设置、库和应用程序, it’s best for organizations to safeguard these major elements of their cloud architecture. 容器安全通常包括部署持续监控可疑活动和增强潜在网络威胁可见性的技术解决方案, 即恶意软件. Such solutions should also help detect and decommission compromised containers.

另一方面, 应用程序安全性通常需要实现云安全态势管理(CSPM)工具,这些工具可以扫描任何可能影响基于云的工作负载的错误配置. CSPM tools evaluate an organization’s cloud service deployments against company-specific standards, 行业指南, 以及适用的安全性和遵从性基准,以分配代表其基于云的工作负载的当前状态的分数. 从那里, 组织可以确定是否有必要采取任何纠正措施来提高其分数并纠正可能的工作量问题. 

  • 教育员工. Employees are often considered organizations’ first line of defense against cyberthreats, 包括那些在云中发现的. 像这样, 组织应该确保将云安全管理策略纳入其日常网络安全培训计划中, thus giving employees the education and resources needed to properly identify and mitigate cloud-based cyberattacks. Key topics to cover during such training include digital exposures stemming from the cloud, 常见的基于云的网络攻击方法, 以及事件检测和响应协议.
  • 实时监控和解决网络威胁. 组织应该利用先进的威胁检测工具来保持对基于云的平台和存储在这些环境中的任何数字资产的一致监控. 这样做的时候, organizations can establish a baseline for typical cloud interactions and activities, 使其在异常事件发生时立即显现出来. 这将使组织能够及时调查云中出现的任何网络威胁,并在它们造成广泛损害之前解决这些问题.  
  • 制定计划. 创建网络事件响应计划可以帮助组织确保在网络攻击发生时采取必要的程序, 从而将相关损失保持在最低限度. These plans should be well-documented and practiced regularly, and address a range of cyberattack scenarios (including cloud-based incidents).
  • 购买足够的保险. 最后, 对于组织来说,确保足够的商业保险政策,以确保充分的财务保护,防止基于云的网络攻击可能造成的损失,这一点至关重要. Organizations should consult trusted insurance professionals to discuss their specific coverage needs.


虽然云服务确实可以使组织受益, 它们也带来了一些重大的网络安全挑战. By understanding the risks associated with the cloud and taking steps to minimize these concerns, organizations can maintain a strong security posture and prevent large-scale losses.


网络风险 & 责任文件并非详尽无遗,任何讨论或意见也不应被视为法律建议. Readers should contact legal counsel or an insurance professional for appropriate advice. ©2024 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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